I woke up earlier than usual today, and flipping through the channels on TV I came across Inside the Actor’s Studio where I caught James Lipton administering his ten questions at the end of his interview with Kevin Spacey. That’s my favorite part of that show, because it’s the only thing interesting that happens during the one-hour ass-kissing festival. As soon as Kevin Spacey answered the ten questions, and the audience present at the interview joined me in a few chuckles, I continued to flip channels.
Sure enough, there was Howard Dean and John Kerry coverage on CNN as they steamed through New Hampshire on their mighty campaigns. And then it all just ‘clicked’.
“If I were James Lipton, and I had to interview these politicians, what would I ask them?”
That thought, that internal question, has led me to this. G-d willing, should I get any response what-so-ever, I will post it here immediately. I never wanted to get political on this site, but I figured – what the hell.
My name is Benjamin Smash, and I represent Smash Magazine – a cultural commentary magazine based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
In anticipation of these 2004 Primaries, we’ve sent out a request to all our readers asking them, “If you can ask POLITICIAN one question, what would it be?”
The response from our readers was overwhelming, and insightful as well. What I’ve collected for you, POLITICIAN, is a list of our top ten questions our readers would like answered.
1. What's your favorite word?
2. What's your least favorite word?
3. What sound or noise do you love?
4. What sound or noise do you hate?
5. What turns you on?
6. What turns you off?
7. What's your favorite curse (word)?
8. What profession other than your own would you like to try?
9. What profession would you NEVER like to do?
10. If there is a heaven, what would you like to hear G-d say when you arrive?
Regardless if you answer them all or just a few, thank you for your time and best of luck in your campaign.
Benjamin Smash
Senior Editor // Smash Magazine