From: "Sankoh Brwon" -
Subject: From: Sankoh Brown.
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 16:39:57 +0000
From: Sankoh Brown
Banjul, Republic of the Gambia.
Dear Sir,
I am Sankoh Brown, a Sierra Leonia, and the son of late Dr. Fondah Sankoh, former chairman of Sierra Leone Gold & Diamond Cooperation. After the assassination of my father, by the West African Peace keeping forces (ECOMOG soldiers) while in control of my village Mende.
While I was searching for some information in our family villa, I found the key to my late father's under ground security vault, where I discovered documents concerning metallic trunk boxes containing twenty eight million U.S. dollars (US$28,000.000.00) with 250 kilos alluvial gold dust of 24 karat with 92% purity.
It will interest you to know that my father and my mother had successfully lifted these trunks boxes and lodged it into a security company in Gambia under the coverage of family treasures. This was sometime last year when they both made a trip to Gambia .
It was unfortunate that in January last year, my father was assassinated. Upon his assassination, a month later my mother took off with my younger sister and me to stay in Republic of the Gambia here in West Africa. We are the two children my parents had) we went together with the documents covering the deposits of the trunk boxes containing the gold dust, diamond and the sum of ($28,000,000.00) with the security company in Gambia
While here in Gambia my mother declared for asylum. But later regretted for doing so, because by our present status we are no longer entitled to operate an account with such money which is concealed in the trunk boxes unknown to the security company. After a while, my mother was privately planning how to transfer the boxes with its contents outside of Gambia where it can be properly used for the betterment of the family. We were working on this arrangement when my mother now took a risk to sneak into Sierra Leone to bring the remaining boxes to Gambia . Unfortunately the same people got my mother assassinated. We became stuck! I am now left with my only sister.
We do not want the government of Gambia t o know about this deposit. I have thought about how I can send these boxes out of Gambia , for several days and sleepless nights, until when it occurred to me to seek a reliable individual who will be of assistance in getting these boxes with the currency outside Gambia to any country in Europe or America .
Your able assistance is being sought to lift this money to your country. I am suggesting that (20%) of the total money be given to you, for your assistance and in providing a viable bank account overseas where this money would be transferred to for onward investment overseas. This is pertinent, since I am a refugee, it will not be advisable for me to operate such huge amount in my account.
Because of the confidential nature of the business, you are advised to handle the issue with utmost secrecy.
Thanks for your co-operation.
Yours faithfully,
Sankoh Brown
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:11:24 -0800 (PST)
From: "John Reed"
Subject: Re: From: Sankoh Brown.
Dear Sankoh,
I feel bad about your fatherr. Give my best to your sister. Give even more to your mother. ;)
If you are willing to consider 25% in payment to me instead of 20% in payment to me then we have a deal. I have to help you with your boxes in Gambia.
I promise pure secrecy.
Orange Cone,
John F. Reed - Front Left Tire
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 01:46:20 -0800 (PST)
From: "Sankoh Brown" -
Subject: 25% Accepted.
To: "John Reed"
Dear Mr. John,
Greeting and thanks for your mail.
I have agreed to offer you 25% of the total sum and I want you to act as my late fathers foreingn business associate and you to become my partner since you will be investing my fund on my behalf in your country as soon as the fund arrive your country or any country of your choice. But before we can proceed with claiming of the boxes, first we need to carry out transfer of ownership of the boxes to your name before the security company can deliver the two boxes of cash and gold to you.
I need to know your full name and address your direct telephone number and a sum of 600Euro this are the requirements for the transfer of ownership from my late fathers name to your name before you can be allowed to claim the boxes but mind you that the security company does not know that the boxes are containing cash fund and precious Items.
Send me the 600Euros via western union to the name of my pastor (CHARLES REEVES) To Banjul, The Gambia. As soon as I receive your information and this amount, the transfer of ownership will be carried out and we can plan with a diplomatic counrier to deliver the boxes to you. Kindly scan and send to me any form of your identification maybe your international passport or drivers license.
Brown Sankoh.
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 23:25:48 -0800 (PST)
From: "John Reed"
Subject: Re: 25% Accepted.
To: "Sankoh Brown" -
Dear Sankoh,
Greeting and you are welcome for my mail.
I attached a copy of my driver's license, but I did not send a money order wire transfer cash service exchange. I will not send money until I see some of your identification first. I need to know that I am dealing with a respectable and honorable and trustable and niceable business partner in Gambia.
My brother went to Gambia to meet a business partner who was not honorable. My brother never came back. That was 15 years ago. Ever since then I swore that I would only do business with a business partner in Gambia if he was honorable.
How's your mother? Tell her I still think of our little 'getaway' last summer. Want to see pictures?
S.Trek 6,
John F. Reed - Undiscovered Country
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 04:35:17 -0800 (PST)
From: "Sankoh Brown" -
Subject: Re: 25% Accepted.
Dear Sir John,
I have received your drivers licence. For you to send me your drivers license, it makes me to believe that you are serious to work with me. My father was killed In Sierra Leone while my mother was also killed when she sneaked into Sierra Leone to secure more of our funds and properties. None of our parents pictures are with us here in Gambia. I am left alone with my kid sister. The worst problems is that we came into this country through road without passport because that was during the war but today I will find a means to scan and send to our pictures.
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 10:10:34 -0800 (PST)
From: "Sankoh Brown" -
Subject: Photos.
To: "John Reed"
Dear John,
The attached files are our photos I and my kid sister Janet. Please help us.
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 00:17:01 -0800 (PST)
From: "John Reed"
Subject: Re: 25% Accepted.
To: "Sankoh Brown" -
Wakkoh Lakkoh Sankoh,
That was my traditional Start Of Business Greeting.
I am happy you accepted my 25%. I want you to know that I am serious to work with you.
Send me more pictures of your sister. I've looked at the ones you have already sent me, and I've enjoyed them many many times - if you know what I mean.
I sent you $880 through Western Union today. With the exchange rate, $880 is the same as 600 Euros.
If you send me more pictures of your sister, I'll send more money. Look at it as a tip.
Keep me informed as to the proceedings of our business.
I must speak to the General now.
John F. Reed - House Harkonnen
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 03:44:22 -0800 (PST)
From: "Sankoh Brown" -
Subject: Deposit Slip.
To: "John Reed"
Dear John,
I thanks you so much. I will be glad to send you more pictures of my sister but I want you to first send me the 600Euro in equivalent to US dollars via western union to the name of my pastor (CHARLES REEVES) to Banjul, Republic of the Gambia. As soon as I receive the MTCN numbers and the money, I will be able to snap more pictures of my sister and I can then send them to you meanwhile the attached file is my late father`s deposit slip covering the deposit of the two trunk boxes.
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 06:21:52 -0800 (PST)
From: "Sankoh Brown" -
Subject: Re: 25% Accepted.
To: "John Reed"
I have been to the western union and it is obvious you are playing games with me maybe you just want to waste my time? The money you claimed to have sent, I have visisted the wetsern unuion and it has been confirmed to me that no such money order is in their system? What are you upto?