I got this letter forwarded
from Idany, so I just HAD to respond. Almighty G-d willing, I'll get a
little dialogue with this 'Mariam' who is - I'm quite certain - on the
Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2005
Mariam Koffi mariam_koffi955@yahoo.ca wrote:
From Miss. Mariam Koffi
Abidjan Cote d'ivoire
West Africa
EMAIL mariam_koffi955@yahoo.ca
It is my pleasure to contact you for a business venture which I intend to establish in your country. Though I have not met with you
before but I believe, one has to risk confiding in succeed sometimes in life. There is this huge amount of Ten million Five Hundred
Thousand U.S dollars ($10.500,000.00) which my late Father kept for with a Fiduciary Fund Holder in Abidjan before his death
Now I have decided to invest these money in your country or anywhere safe enough outside Africa for security and political reasons.I
want you to help assist me claim and retrieve these fund from the Fiduciary Fund Holders and transfer it into your personal account in
your country for investment purposes on these areas:
1). Telecommunication
2). The Transport Industry
3). Five Star Hotel
4).Real Eastate
If you can be of an assistance to me I will be pleased to offer to you 15% Of the total fund. I await your soonest response.
Respectfully yours,
Miss. Mariam Koffi.
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2005 17:21:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Reed" johnfrancisreed@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: Investment Money
To: mariam_koffi955@yahoo.ca
Dearest Miss Mariam Koffi,
It is my pleasure to receive your email about a transaction of investment monies. $10,500,000 is a lot of money, even if I do only get 15% (I would like more - we'll discuss that later).
I think your strategy for investing in the Telecommunication, Transport, Five Star Hotel, and Real Eastate industries in my country is fantastic.
Tell me what I must do, Miss Mariam Koffi. I am eager to work with you.
Do you know my brother Bouba? He lives in Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire, West Africa.
Your humble servant,
John Francis Reed - Investor
Date: Sat, 6 Aug 2005 09:56:09 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Mariam Koffi"
To: "John Reed" johnfrancisreed@yahoo.com
My Dear John,
Thank you very much for your response and for all your willingness to assist me out in this transaction, well I am here in our country AIBIDJAN COTED'IVOIRE and I will like to leave this country as soon as this box is out from the security company and transfer to your country so that I will come over there and invest the money. Most importantly,I want you to show your credibility, promising that you will be honest and trustworthy to me during all our business transactions with you, because this business involves a lot of money (US$10.5 million)so I hope that you will be the right one to do business with us without any dissapointment or distrust of any kind.
Secondly,you have to keep this business confidential and top secret between you and I, because even the security company where my late Father deposited the Box containing this money does not know the true content of the box,because He disguised the content of the boxse as containing family valuables for security reasons.I have never contacted anyone regarding this business before this time because of the confidentiality required in this transaction.
After giving me the necessary assurance, I will know the next step to follow.It will be very well if you are to come down to abidjan to do the transfer on your name but if you eventually can not make it, we can make an arrangement with the security company to deliver the consignment to you in your country via a special diplomatic coverage by the security company, while I will follow up the consignment.
Finally, I have agreed to offer you 15% of the total sum of money contained in the box. for rendering your assistance to me and whatever you expend in the process of the transfer will be refunded you with 5% of the total fund upon my arrival.
Thanks and may God bless and guide you.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
I will be sending to you all the documents regards to this transaction and also my pic as soon as I confirm your willingness in assisting me over this transaction .I hope to find a trustworthy partner in you.
Best Regards,
Mariam Koffi.
Date: Sat, 6 Aug 2005 09:25:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Reed"
Subject: Re: CONFIRM TO ME.
To: "Mariam Koffi"
Dearest Mariam Koffi,
Aibidjan Cote D'Ivoire is a beautiful place, and I can't wait for you and your box to leave to come here to invest.
I PROMISE that I will be honest with you and I PROMISE to be trustworthy. I want very much to show you my credibility throughout all our business transactions together.
I didn't know that this was your father's box. I am honored that you chose to share your father's box with me.
I don't think I can make it to Aibidjan for I am needed at all sixteen of my businesses here. Let's arrange with the security company to deliver the consignment to me in my country via a special diplomatic coverage by the security company, while you follow up the consignment. I think that would be best.
I want very much to assure you that I mean business and that I intend to keep these matters and transactions 100% secret and private. Just tell me what assurance you need so that you feel assured about my assurance and I will do it.
You're right, 15% is plenty for me - this is, afterall, YOUR father's box. You deserve more. I am very willing to assist you over this transaction so please send me your pic. I'll send you my pic when you send me your pic.
Please send me the documents regarding this transaction. You have found a trustworthy partner.
John Francis Reed - Investor Extraordinaire
Date: Sat, 6 Aug 2005 13:32:01 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Mariam Koffi"
To: "John Reed"
My Dear John,
Thanks very much for your mail assuring me of your honesty and your ability to assist me on this transaction. I am assuring you that everything will work out fine by the grace of God, we are going to get this transaction done very soon to enable me meet you face to face over there.
This idea is very good and secure, furthermore it will enable us avoid going through the banking process and the risk of being suspected for money laundry activities as a result of the huge amount of money involved. My Dear, God has a way of doing His own things for his people, I believe we are just on the right part.
Now, I want you to contact the security company and tell them that you are my partner or family friend overseas, and that you want the box to be delivered to you through their Special Diplomatic Courier Service. The consignment is registered with my Father's name:
Depositor: Mr George Koffi,
Beneficiary: Miss Mariam Koffi,
Item: One Trunk Box
Depository Code: SP/ESVI/ABJ/99001
Bond Number: ESVI/613FE/CBL/20
Nationality is: Cote d'Ivoire,
Description is : Family valuables.
Please make sure that you do not tell them that the box contains money, because like I earlier told you, He disguised it to contain family valuables for the safety of the box and for fear of losing the money to the government if they discover that the box contains money. So you must be tactical in your contact with the security company. Here is the contact informations of the security company.
Director: Dr Jean Koneh
E-mail: africajoint_assistance@deliveryman.com or ajsac_assistancecompany@diplomats.com
Tel: 00225 0610 6805
Fax: 00225 2156 5649
You can contact the security company by their mail or phone and ask them to furnish you with their requirements and the cost for the delivery of the consignment to you. On my side I will be preparing to travel over there.
I want you to understand that I do not have any money with me if not this one at the security company and that is the main reason why I contacted you to assist me to get this box out from the security company and after you must have received it then you will send me some money out from the box to enable me get all my traveling documents ready so that I will come and visit you over there for the investment project and also to further my Education in your country.
I have attached to you the pic of my late Father at the security company when he deposited the box as he was signing the documents on the deposit day with the security company director and also the pic of my Father's Casket before he was buried.
I also attached the pic of the box at the security company office to prove to you that the box is under the security company custody and the pic of the box that contained the money as it was taking by my late Father before he deposited the box to the security company as a prove of the real content of the box for security reasons.
I am not supposed to send all this to you but I have to do it now so that you will know the truth about what you are doing and to clear the doubts in your mind that everything is real and true, I am showing all this to you just to let you know that everything is real and that I really need your assistance to get this box out from the security company and then I come over to meet with you. Please do keep this to youself alone as the is my only secret and strong prove anytime anyday. I also attached my pic to you so that you will know the person you are doing something with, I am hoping to see yours in your next mail.
Looking forward to hearing from you. I also want to assure you that this is a 100% risk free operation. It was God who choose you for me and I believe that he will make us a great Family.
Thanks and God bless you.
I am whisng you the best of LOVE.
Mariam Koffi.
Date: Sat, 6 Aug 2005 18:58:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Reed"
Subject: Depository Code: SP/ESVI/ABJ/99001Bond Number: ESVI/613FE/CBL/20
To: africajoint_assistance@deliveryman.com, ajsac_assistancecompany@diplomats.com
Dear Dr. Jean Koneh of the Afria Joing Security Assistance Company,
My girlfriend Mariam and I would like you to release her father's box so that I can have it shipped to me in the United States of America. I will fly her to meet me here in the United States of America, all the way from Aibidjian, Africa, so that we can open her father's box together.
There is NOTHING SUSPICIOUS in her father's box. It's not full of stolen money totalling $10.5 million American Dollars. It's just a bunch of junk, really, trinkets and such from generations back in my beloved Mariam's family. We're trying to move it to the United States of America, not to avoid any money laundering issues, but just for the hell of it. We're quirky that way.
No sir, there is nothing ILLEGAL and there is nothing SUSPICIOUS about what we're trying to do. Just two lovers with a history of opening boxes in the United States of America.
Here is the required information:
Depositor: Mr George Koffi (potential father-in-law)
Beneficiary: Miss Mariam Koffi (potential bride-to-be)
Item: One Trunk Box
Depository Code: SP/ESVI/ABJ/99001
Bond Number: ESVI/613FE/CBL/20
Nationality is: Cote d'Ivoire
Description is : Family valuables (not loose cash totalling in the millions of US Dollars)
That's all there is, Dr. Jean Koneh. Please send Mariam's father's box that has any number of items in it that's NOT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF CASH INTENDED FOR LAUNDERING IN MY COUNTRY to this address:
Mariam Koffi
c/o John "I Love Koffi In The Morning" Reed
One Nashville Place
150 Fourth Avenue North
Suite G-250
Nashville, TN 37219
Please furnish me with the requirements and the cost for the delivery of the consignment to me. I'd have you furnish Mariam with the requirements and the cost for the delivery of the consignment, but she's preparing to travel over here.
Thank you very much,
John Francis Reed - International Investor In Shady Dealings
Date: Sat, 6 Aug 2005 19:05:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Reed"
To: "Mariam Koffi"
My Most Dearest Mariam,
I know it's wrong to mix business with pleasure, but I have to say that you're absolutely beautiful. My heart races at just the thought of your coming here so we can do many business transactions together, many ... if you know what I mean.
God be praised, your pictures prove 100% that you are telling the truth. I very much want to go into business with you. I can see in the photos you sent me that your father was a very great, wise, and noble man who walked with God and knew the true meaning of God's Almighty Praise. Amen.
I already wrote Dr. Jean Koneh a couple times at both of his mailing addresses and I tried calling the telephone number you provided - only to get a very rude man with an Irish accent on the other end yelling at me. He keeps calling me back and won't stop. Did you give me the wrong number for that as well? I very much want the business transactions to go forward so we can open your father's box and get my 15%. I hope my emails were clear, to the point, and very well written so that Dr. Jean Koneh doesn't find out about the money. I tried very hard to keep it a secret, my love, because secrets are sacred in relationships.
I have attached a picture of myself to share, because I said I would and I'm a man of my word. See, I'm a cowboy and that means I'm an American you can trust 100% with all transactions.
Thank you again for assuring me that this is a transaction that's 100% risk-free.
I love you,
John Francis Reed - Multimillion Dollar Investor & International Playboy
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2005 09:10:21 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Mariam Koffi"
To: "John Reed"
My Dear John,
Thanks very much for your mail and for all your word toward me, I am very happy for all the effort you are putting on this transaction to see that we concluded it very soon so that I will leave this country and meet you over there, I am very happy and I am only praying so that God will lead us till the end of this transaction, I received the pic that you sent to me and I must say that you are very wounderfull man that every woman will love to have, well that is nice to know that you are good like this.
I have heard all what you said and I am happy that you have contacted the security company, but regarding the phone call you are talking about, I did not give him your number, I don't think he is the one who call you, are you sure that you call the right number that I gave to you? here is the number that I gave to you 00225 0610 6805, this is the phone number he gave to me so that I will give you for you to call him, I think you could have made a mistake, well is good that you sent him email, I hope that he reply to you very soon so that we will know what next to do.
I will be waiting to hear from you as soon as you get reply from them so that we will know the next step to follow.
Thanks and Goid bless you.
I am whishing you the best of LOVE.
Mariam Koffi.
From: "Africa Joint"
To: "John Reed"
Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2005 06:00:07 -0500
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2005 17:34:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Reed"
To: "Africa Joint"
Dr. Jean Koneh,
I have read the attachment and am now getting back to you for the delivery of the consignment to my country.
I have attached a copy of my driver's license as requested. I anticipate the arrival of a diplomat of the security company to accompany the consignment to it's final destination here in the United States of America. I fully understand that a diplomat of the security company will escort my beloved Mariam's box, which contains NOTHING ILLEGAL, all the way to the United States of America, where we will NOT LAUNDER UPWARDS OF 10.5 MILLION US DOLLARS.
I await further notice and assurance and correspondence and more talk of deliveries and consignments, commiseration, infestation, culmination, jubilation, and crackers.
I would like it very much if the arriving diplomat of the security company would acquire while en-route via aircraft travel some peanuts of the salted variety that I have arrange to consume upon arrival.
Are you a medical doctor or a doctor of law?
Thank you,
Dr. John F. Reed
ps - See? Now I'm a doctor too.
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2005 17:44:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Reed"
To: "Mariam Koffi"
My most dearest, beautiful, sweetest Mariam,
I dream about you. I think about you. I salivate at the mere mention of your name.
I spoke with Dr. Jean Koneh who spoke with me about the delivery of the consignment via diplomat from the security company. He said such amazing things - it makes sense that he's a doctor - but all I could think of was you.
Dr. Jean Koneh informed me that he needed to see my driver's license in order for the delivery of the consignement to commence. I sent it to him. Again, I was very secretive about the money inside your father's box because I don't want him to think we're doing anything illegal.
I was VERY secretive. I didn't say anything. Not a word. Very private.
Hurry, my dear Mariam, and come to me soon. I miss you and need you by my side so we can engage in many intimate transactions and investments together with the 10.5 million dollars we're carefully delivering via consignment into my country - 15% of which is mine.
I love you,
Captain John F. Reed, Phd. MD. BYOB.
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 10:25:31 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Mariam Koffi"
To: "John Reed"
My Dear John,
Thanks very much for your mail and for all your willingness to see that this transaction is concluded so that I will meet you over there, I am very much happy with the efforts you are putting on this transaction to see that we get it done very soon, I am praying for God to help us so that we will conclude this and have rest of mind.
I have heard all what you said and I am happy that the security company have get back to you and you have gaving to them the informations they requested from you, so have they let you know when the box will leave here to your country? The director is not a Doctor, did he told you that? Well I don’t know but all I know is that he is not a doctor, he is the director of the security company.
I will be waiting to hear from you as soon as possible so that I will know when the box is leaving from here to your countrty.
Thanks and God bless you.
I am whishing you the best of LOVE.
Mariam Koffi.
From: "Africa Joint"
To: "John Reed"
Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2005 04:08:46 -0500
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 12:41:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Reed"
To: "Mariam Koffi"
The love of my life Mariam,
I had a dream last night. We weren't wearing many clothes and we were deeply engaged in many transactions in various industries thanks to the delivery of the consignment via diplomat from the security company. It was hot.
I'm a little disheartened to hear that Dr. Jean Koneh isn't a doctor at all. This might delay things unless I hear the truth. Is Dr. Jean Koney a doctor or not. If you say he is a doctor, then I will send the money to start the process of delivering the consignment. If he's not a doctor, then there is a problem.
I dream of you, my dearest Mariam. I am on the edge of my seat awaiting going into many transactions with you when you arrive here to the United States of America where we will marry and have many wonderful children.
I will confront Dr. Jena Koneh immediately about his deception.
I love you,
John F. Reed - Husband, Father-To-Be, Investor, Trapeze Artist
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 12:45:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Reed"
To: "Africa Joint"
Dr. Jean Koneh,
My fiance Mariam told me that you are not a doctor. If you are not a doctor, then why do you sign all your emails "Dr. Jean Koneh"?
I only send money to doctors, lawyers, bankers, and bee-hive keepers. If you are indeed a doctor tell me that you are a doctor and I will send all the money immediately in order to begin the process of the delivery of the consignment via diplomat from the security company to me in the United States of America.
Once the consignment is delivered via diplomat from the security company, my then bride Mariam and I will open it and take the millions of dollars of loose cash and use it for our honeymoon - in Aibidjian Africa!
Oops - I wasn't supposed to say that.
Nevermind. Are you, or are you not, a doctor?
Professor Emeritus Explorer John F. Reed, III - BRB. LOL. LTD.
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 16:28:50 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Mariam Koffi"
To: "John Reed"
My Dear John,
What do you mean? who told you that director jean koneh is a doctor? look if you are not ready to assist me just let me know and stop making this rubish stement ok.
Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 22:43:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Reed"
To: "Mariam Koffi"
Mariam my love,
Please don't think ill of me. My one greatest desire on this Earth is to assure delivery of the consignment via diplomat from the security company so that we might engage in many transactions together.
I am sorry for my delayed response - I was out of the country on a business trip that could not be avoided. I am now the head of one of the largest land owning families in the world and the matters were so urgent I had to leave immediately - without informing anyone. Soon enough, when we are together and the delivery of the consignment via diplomat from the security company is complete I will explai where I was.
I am ready to assist you.
His Royal Highness John Francis Reed The First - King of England
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 13:47:37 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Mariam Koffi"
To: "John Reed"
My Dear John,
Thanks very much for your mail and for all your willingness to assist me on this transaction, well I hgave heard all what you said and I am very much happy to that you made up your mind to assist mùe on this transaction, now I will like you to recontact the security company and get everything done with them so that they will carry on the delivery og the box to you so that I will leave this country and meet you over there without waisting of time.
I will be waiting to hear from you as soon as you contacted them so that I will know when the box is leaving from here to your acocuntry.
Thanks and God bless you.
I am whishing you the best of LOVE.
Mariam Koffi.
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 23:51:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Reed"
To: "Mariam Koffi"
Dearest Mariam,
I have already spoken with the security company and your father's box is already en route to me in the United States of America. I spoke with the president of the security company (a real doctor), and met with an ambassador fro your country, here in the United States of America, and we all agree that you are not qualified to handle the box on your own.
The President of the Security Company and Representatives of the Government of your Country, after reading the communications you and I have had about the assurance of the delivery of the package via security company diplomat. You have given me consent, legally, and therefore the box is mine.
When the box arrives here I will open it and use the contents within for my own purposes. I am sorry that our relationship didn't work out the way I had hoped. I will always love you and remember you when I invest the money from your father's box in many industries.
Good bye,
John Francis Reed - Philosopher, Prophet, Lover, Thief